# Governance

LocalGov Drupal is an open source Drupal distribuition that delivers a better digital experience for citizens, improves service outcomes, and saves money.

Our councils have followed the Local Digital Declaration to develop a shared pool of code, resources, research and expertise, delivering great digital experiences to citizens at a lower cost.

It is built and maintained by a community of developers, content designers and digital leaders from local councils and suppliers across the UK and Ireland.

We’re a young organisation with an evolving governance structure. Our guiding principle is that LocalGov Drupal should be run by councils for the benefit of participating councils and their citizens.

We have a number of working groups responsible for different aspects of the project, with many smaller teams that work on specific aspects of the project.

Each group consists of representatives from participating councils and suppliers.

# Product Group

The product group is responsible for:

  • product governance and process
  • setting the product roadmap and release dates
  • releasing quality standards
  • leading on technical direction and architecture
  • compiling user research

# Technical Group

  • leading on development processes and coding standards
  • security reviews and maintenance
  • conduct guidelines for committers
  • resolving any disputes or issues related to the code
  • maintaining documentation for new features

# Open Digital Cooperative

In 2023 we started Open Digital Cooperative, a non-profit cooperative company to help ensuure the financial susteinability of the software and community.

The Open Digital Cooperative board is responsible for:

  • Ensuring the financial sustainability of the project
  • Working with the Subscriber Group and Core Team to transition from a government-funded to an independent organisation
  • Working with the Subscriber Group on all strategic aspects of the project.